Atlanta Tech Village is a unique office building that is home to many innovative companies. The building was constructed with the intention of creating a free-flowing environment to allow for serendipitous interaction between employees of different companies. It currently houses 700 employees, but has the capacity for around 1,000 people. A key element of this unique work environment is a wireless network that is available anywhere in the building, to anyone. It also had to be strong enough to support 1,000 people simultaneously in such a densely populated area.
Ripple was approached by David Cummings, an old friend, with the challenge of making this wireless utopia a reality. So we did. Ripplers worked together with the architects during the initial construction of the building in the Spring of 2013, and have continued to make changes through all of the renovations that have taken place since. We’ve installed numerous Meraki routers on each floor of the building, and have been available to move equipment around whenever changes needed to be made. A wireless network of this magnitude is equipped to handle such a large amount of internet traffic.
For more information on how Ripple supports the Atlanta Tech Village’s wireless network, check out our case study below by clicking the button below. To contact a Rippler and see what we can do for your company, shoot us an email. We’d love to hear from ya!
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