Gone are the days of strictly Mac and strictly PC workplaces. With more and more businesses utilizing a combination of machines running different operating systems, cross-platform networks really are everywhere.
Now, it’s completely commonplace to see a MacBook Air sitting on the same desk as Windows-running tower at a startup. And larger companies sometimes have one wing or an entire department using Macs, and another using PCs.
Instead of considering a way to outfit your company with one or the other, consider using both of them based on the needs and preferences of your organization.
Benefits to using Macs:
• Essentially, Macs have more user-friendly interfaces and are the most popular type of computer for businesses with creative departments. It would be difficult to find a modern day marketing or design team that doesn’t rely on Apple products to get their jobs done.
• From a personal computer perspective, Macs are still light years ahead of PCs when it comes to creative programming and the capabilities that their screen size and clarity offer for editing purposes.
• Macs offer more industry-standard design programs and apps than PCs do, and also have more creative options such as font types than PCs.
Macs are the preferred machines of video editors, graphic designers, architects, advertising folk and a number of editorial professionals. The days of people referring to Apple products as toys are long gone. The latest MacBook Pros can go toe-to-toe with most powerful, personal computers and, despite a bit of backlash regarding the release of FCP X, a lot of industry-standard software for creatives is still Mac-only.
Benefits to using PCs:
• PC fans will tell you that machines running Windows are typically the most stable in terms of predictability and operation. While PCs may be on average more susceptible to viruses than Macs, keeping current with updates, patches and licenses keeps the majority of the gobbledegook out.
• PC vendors offer more economical and often more enticing warranty and service programs by far. Anyone whose worked in an accounting, writing, finance or engineering department is probably familiar with the deals and warranties that some PC companies can offer. In addition, a lot of administrative software programs are designed exclusively for machines running Windows.
• Considering the hefty price tag on most Apple products, it’s no surprise that most PCs weigh-in a lot less on the cost scale. You can buy a bunch of Samsung laptops for the cost of Apple’s base model computer, and for some business professionals a decked out MacBook is gonna be overkill.
PCs are strong computers to have for enterprises, as there is more support readily available to run a PC network for a large company. However, that’s beginning to change as more offices have networks consisting of both Macs and PCs. Both systems have their pros and cons, so we suggest talking to your IT consultant or a reputable technology vendor about what your people will need to do their jobs.
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