Big news! As Mike announced earlier, Ripple is now not only the official IT service provider of the ATV (or Atlanta Tech Village if you prefer the long way home), but we’re also moving in! So, what exactly is big deal about this new spot? Well, let us fill you in on why we’re so excited to be part of it.
The ATV aims to be a community center for technology and technology-related companies. Located in Buckhead on Piedmont Road, the building boasts over 103,000 sq/ft and will offer ZipCar rental right in its expansive 93,000 sq/ft parking lot.
With all these progressive, talented people under one roof, the ATV expects there will be a constant stream of events, meetups and collaborations between businesses. Imagine a hybrid building of traditional offices and coworking spaces with people from a multitude of companies sharing not only physical space but ideas, and you can start to see the potential benefits of working in the ATV. Not to mention how Atlanta itself will increasingly be seen as a hub for technology-based companies.
Another perk to leasing space within the ATV is that there’s no long term contracts. Pricing is actually per person per month, making expanding and shrinking extremely easy. So, there’s seemingly no need to go hunting for bigger or smaller office space in some random, renovated loft building.
ATV leaders say they will try to maintain a ratio of 80% tech companies and 20% service providers, which should facilitate more clear and defined b2b relationships for those companies that choose to work with these in-house providers.
The first round of big renovations are expected to start late this summer and will include the front outdoor area, the main lobby, elevator lobbies, event space and more. Individuals and companies interested in knowing more about the Atlanta Tech Village are encouraged to take a tour, given every Tuesday and Thursday at 2pm with prior scheduling required.
Ripplers have been busy setting up a superfast network that, when our work is completed, will contain well over a gigabit of fiber (that’s roughly 650 T-1s). And since managing the network infrastructure will be the job of ATV/Ripple, IT support costs for startups and small businesses working within the building will be significantly less. Neat.
We’re excited to welcome the ATV to Atlanta, and to be a part of the action. Atlanta has long been home to some really great, forward-thinking companies, and it’s about time we gained some more recognition for our efforts. The ATV will undoubtably be an eyeopener for those not yet familiar with the ATL as a hub for technology leaders.
If you’re interested in learning more about how we help small-to-midsize businesses leverage IT to become more profitable, plan for the future, and keep employees productive and happy then request a free IT assessment by one of our knowledgable Ripplers.
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