Case Study

Atlanta Tech Village

  • Industry: Coworking Facility
  • Company Size: 700+ Employees
Atlanta Tech Village (ATV), established in 2013, is a unique office space providing innovative companies with a community of like-minded people. The ATV is home to around 700 employees from a variety of different businesses. There’s no separation in this free-flowing structure, allowing for serendipitous interactions between different companies throughout a typical work day.

We do business with Ripple because they are people we trust. Not only did they install our entire wireless system, but they provide us with ongoing support.

Karen Houghton

VP of Atlanta Tech Village

Before Ripple

After purchasing a 103,000 square foot building in Buckhead, Atlanta Tech Village was unsure of how to build a wireless system that would support 1,000 people in such a densely populated area. Founder David Cummings immediately thought of Ripple based on his past experience working with our team at Pardot.

The Challenges

  • Densely Populated Office
    Atlanta Tech Village has five office floors, a basement, as well as plans to expand on the roof of the building to create a balcony area where employees can work in the fresh air. Within this 103,000 square foot area, some 1,000 people need access to super fast wireless internet.
  • Interference
    In a building so full and in an area of Atlanta so densely populated, Atlanta Tech Village was bound to face some issues with interference from other wireless networks. The obstacle faced was to minimize interference as best as possible to provide a reliable wireless network.
  • Continued Construction

    When Ripple was approached to help with the construction of this wireless network, the ATV building was just beginning construction. 

    Since May 2013, it has undergone continued renovations. The challenge faced by Ripplers and ATV was building a wireless network that was capable of supporting current employees, evolving, and moving floors when needed—fast.

Our Solutions

  • Multiple Meraki Routers

    To provide multiple access points on each floor of the building, Ripplers worked with the ATV architects to have boxes set into the ceiling of each floor where Meraki wireless routers would be installed.

    Each floor has multiple access points for employees on that floor to connect to. If an employee moves to another floor, their device connects to the nearest access point on that floor. This system keeps employees within a reasonable distance of a router so they have access to a strong wireless connection wherever they go within the building.

  • Strategic Installations
    Ripplers opted to install Meraki routers because they are flexible to change. The routers are also a mixture of 2.4GHz and 5GHz to provide a variety of wireless speeds depending on the devices’ capabilities. We also put in place a throttle limiting bandwidth and priority for data streaming.
  • Flexibility
    Ripple employees have frequent meetings with ATV’ers to discuss construction, create plans, and solve any problems with the network. Being flexible to change is important because ATV is being renovated floor by floor, but still needs to provide a reliable network to workers on the completed floors.

The Results

  • Strong Wireless Network
    ATV patrons now have multiple routers within a close proximity to each other so the connection provided is always strong. The wireless system was created with a dense population in mind, so it is capable of supporting a large number of people at once.
  • Constant Access
    Because multiple access points were installed on each level of the building, no matter where an employee moves within the building, they stay connected to the wireless network. As soon as the balcony area is completed, ATV employees will even be able to enjoy the fresh air and work from the building’s rooftop.
  • Continuous Support
    Ripple provides complementary network management, monitoring, and support to the ATV wireless network. We are happy and available to help when we are needed. Ripplers meet with ATVers regularly to discuss changes that will be happening, obstacles that must be overcome, and budget for the future.

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